I’m part way through my Ayurvedic Wellness Coaching Course so for now I’m offering informal guided explorations, free of charge, into Ayurveda Health system and how it can support you in your journey towards optimal wellness. Get in touch with your questions or wellness worries, and let’s see what we can come up with in terms of simple measures to feel a little or a lot better really soon.
Discover simple and transformative ways to synch the mind and body with nature's rhythms.
Live a lifestyle thats balancing, cleansing and nourishing. More about Ayurveda
For now, I'm sharing what I'm part way through studying, in both theory and practice, as part of my Ayurveda Wellness Coaching Course.
I host bimonthly workshops and can offer suitably priced 1-on-1 "prac" coaching to guide you on your wellness journey.
Get in touch if you'd like to be part of my wellness coaching journey!