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Jala Neti.

Support cleansing and deep breathing with Neti (Nasal Irrigation)

The systems of both Yoga and Ayurveda hold that the quality of your breath is essential for well-being. Breathing long and deep can boost your health and increase longevity, and cleansing and protecting the breathing passages, particularly the nostrils, can improve the quality of every breath you take.

Neti, or nasal irrigation, is a simple and effective way to cleanse and purify the nasal passages using a neti pot with warm saline solution. 7–8 liters of air that you breathe is filtered through nasal passages each minute. The air itself supplies the oxygen we need to live but it brings with it particles that irritate the nasal passages and sinuses, and can lead to allergies and sinus infections.

Daily or weekly nasal rinsing supports overall respiratory health because it can:

  • Support a healthy upper respiratory system

  • Provide soothing relief for nasal dryness

  • Gently remove excess mucous

  • Rinse away dust, pollen, and other irritants

  • Maintain a healthy nasal and sinus lining

  • Keep your head clear and refreshed

Also, unobstructed deep breathing through clear nasal passages helps balance the prana, our vital life force, within the body. Balanced prana brings the mind and body into harmony.

If you suffer from allergies or repeated sinus infections, check wit your health provider if a nasal rinse practice can be a helpful part of your therapy.

How to perform jala neti

Of the Four different cleansing methods involving water, ghee, or a cloth to clean the nostrils; the most common is Jala Neti which uses saline water with a neti pot.

1. Fill a neti pot with 100ml lukewarm water and add an eighth of a teaspoon of salt hold the pot in your right hand insert the nozzle of the pot into the right nostril.

2. Keep the mouth open to allow free breathing through it. 3.Tilt your head first slightly backwards and forwards and sideways to the left so that the water from the pot enters the right nostril and comes out of the left by the force of gravity. 4. If you have any congestion in the head preventing the flow of water, hold the position for a short while and passage may open or tilt the head down and let the water flow out of the same nostril and try again. 5. Refill the pot and repeat the same process on the left side.

Depending on your experience level, you may repeat on each side.

When the process is complete, move any remaining water in the nasal passages with the gentle force exhalations through the nostrils. It is better to exhale through both nostrils because this helps regulate the pressure in the head.

In this cleansing process mucus and other impurities will be discharged.

I like to do downward facing dog or child’s pose outside or on the mat to be sure all the excess water has left the system.

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